From the Coolidge Collections of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts at the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

Additional documents assembled by Jefferson relating to Notes on the State of Virginia

The Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts at the Massachusetts Historical Society includes a group of documents that Jefferson assembled while working on Notes on the State of Virginia. Digital images of these notes, lists, tables, letters, are now online and available to researchers.

Arranged by title of loose additional documents

Note: Clicking the link will take you to the web presentation of the loose document. (Please note: At this time the web display for these additional documents does not feature all the tools found within the web display of the manuscript pages of Notes of the State of Virginia.)

"Bodies intermediate between the three kingdoms of nature," list by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 14, 23

Catesby's descriptions of undescribed birds and animals of Virginia, notes assembled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 40-43

Commentary about Jefferson's draft of Notes on the State of Virginia, by Charles Thomson, late March or April 1784
Relates to page(s): 117-127

Letter from Col. Archibald Cary to Thomas Jefferson, 12 October 1783
Relates to page(s): 28-30, 40

List of crops, vegetables and plants, by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 23, 48

List of distances along the Ohio River, copied by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 5

List of flowers arranged by color, and notes about birds, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 20-23, 40-43

List relating to Query 6 of Notes on the State of Virginia [manuscript] and a passage about limestone, by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to manuscript page: 17

Madison's cave plan, drawn by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 11

Memorandum about American animals, by Thomas Walker, with some notes by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 43

Memorandum about animals, trees, and birds, by Thomas Walker
Relates to page(s): 20-23, 40-43

Notes about a bird, by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 40

Notes about animals, including some comparisons between American and European animals, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 23

Notes about animals, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 23

Notes about birds, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 40-43

Note about charters, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 104-105

Notes about Native Americans, [compiled by unidentified author]
Relates to page(s): 119-121

Notes about Native American populations, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 54

Notes about plants, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 20

Notes about the bird the star martin, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 40-41

Notes about the bird the yellow titmouse, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 43

Notes on the elk and caribou, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 23, 28-30

Notes of Buffon's accounts of Native Americans, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 34, 36

Plan of Mammoth cave in Green County, Kentucky, by Aylett H. Buckner, copy made by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 10

Questions relating to Native Americans and notes about moose and caribou, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 32, 36

Table comparing information about moose, caribou elk, notes compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 32

Table comparing names of species, compiled by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page: 28

Table of birds of Virginia, by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 40-43

Two lists of Native American tribes, copied by Thomas Jefferson
Relates to page(s): 60-63