A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Friday 31st

31 March 1865

Sunday 2d.

2 April 1865
1 April 1865
Saturday April 1st



Clear, cheerful day. Busy, disposing of arrears, which once more accumulate. Went to the City to the Barings. Saw Mr Sturgis on an unpleasant errand. The government is dissatisified with the rumors that come back of his disloyal conversation, and therefore writes me upon the expediency of changing the account to some other house. I think it a mistake and yet I have foreseen the consequence of Mr Sturgis’s want of discretion would be just this. Under the circumstances I thought it would be no more than friendly to go to him and apprize him of the difficulty before making any intimation to the numbers of the House. I read to him that part of the Despatch which charged him with disloyalty and opposition to the union and the government. He dined both, and explained his views, which were simply an opinion that the better course would have been to have avoided war by an amicable separation. I said that I had always understood it so. I suggested to him to address a note to me entertaining the substance of his explanation, of the substance of which I could make use. It may be that the House will be retained solely because there is not another in London of which any better can be said as to its opinions. I have always been shocked at Sturgis’s notions, because he comes from a family in Boston where such have not heretofore had favor. I attribute it to the English commercial atmosphere which has affected so many men. Home to drive out and return visits. Called to see Mrs Dayton and her daughter. They were out. Also the Court de Circourt. Evening at home. A visit from Mr Alward. Received the Despatches244

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://pb1r.benhillfarms.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d091