Monticello: remodelling notebook, page 1a of 20, [1796]
by Thomas Jefferson

Identification numbers: N139; K142
18.4 cm x 12.2 cm (7-1/4" x 4-13/16")

Page N139.1a
page image
large image mode
[DESCRIPTION: Notebook for remodelling Monticello. Page 1a, "Piazza...", is a small sheet attached to page 1. See: page 1. The attachment was affixed to the page with spots of wax at the four corners and center top and bottom. The verso of page 1a (the attachment) is blank. Date written on page 1: "1796. Jan. 1".]

[No transcription available -- see page image]

[Other pages of this item are available: Page 1 (N139.1)
Page 2 (N139.2)
Page 3 (N139.3)
Page 4 (N139.4)
Page 5 (N139.5)
Page 6 (N139.6)
Page 7 (N140)
Page 8 (N141)
Page 9 (N142)
Page 10 (N143)
Page 11 (N144.11)
Page 12 (N144.12) blank
Page 13 (N144.13)
Page 14 (N145.14)
Page 15 (N145.15) recto of attachment in place
Page 15a (N145.15averso) verso of attachment
Page 16 (N146.16)
Page 17 (N146.17)
Page 18 (N146.18)
Page 19 (N146.19)
Page 20 (N146.20)